Mentor HMS
Annual wheel

Annual wheel

Annual wheels allow you to plan HSE activities and distribute tasks throughout a year.

There are two ways you can create an annual wheel, either manually or based on examples inside Mentor HMS.


Creating Annual Wheels

The first time you click on the "Annual Wheel"l tile, you will be notified that you have not created an annual wheel yet. You can create this by clicking on “Create new annual wheel” on the link or “New annual wheel” in the upper right corner.

Old annual wheel

The old annual wheel can be opened by clicking on the gear in the upper right corner and selecting “Old annual Wheel”. See picture above.

Use example

Read more here: support.mentorpluss.no/en/hjelp-hms/ta-i-bruk-eksempel


Annual wheels are built by choosing one or more parent themes per month. This topic may be related to a specific HSE area, such as, Audit, Fire protection, Working environment, Hygiene and infection protection.

To create a new theme for a month, click on the desired month and then select a “New Theme” in the top right corner or “Create New Theme” in the middle of the page if there is no theme for the month from before.


Under each monthly theme, you can add a series of tasks related to the selected theme. Choose from the following task types:

  • Revision of routines: Identify existing HSE routines that need review and revision.
  • Revision of risk areas: Identify potential risk areas in the workplace that require evaluation.
  • Revision of emergency cards: Check and update emergency cards and procedures for emergencies such as fire, evacuation, etc.
  • Checklists: Add the checklists that belong to the Theme/HSE area.
  • Other: Add other types of tasks that are not covered by the above, but relevant to the topic. Examples of this may be exercises, meetings or services.

Now that the theme has been created, you can start by entering tasks. Tap on “Add Task”



Select the desired task type at the top. Based on the choice you make here, you will be given a list of routines, risk areas, emergency cards and checklists related to the health and safety area (s) associated with the topic.
Also enter whether the assignment should apply to the entire business or department.. Selecting a department, a task will be assigned to each department for implementation. Also put the person in charge of the task
Save by pressing “Add”


Edit annual wheel

To edit the name of the annual wheel or to delete it, press the gear wheel in the upper right corner to bring up the selections.

To edit a month, one clicks on the desired month first, then on “Edit” in the right corner
