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Mentor Personal




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Sick leave


The business

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to use an Authentication App to sign in to Mentor Personal?


The use of an authentication app to log into Mentor Personal is a security measure that protects both your personal information and the company's data. Authentication apps provide an extra layer of security through something called two-factor authentication (2FA). This means that in addition to your regular password, a one-time code generated by the app is required to complete the login. This code changes regularly and can only be used once, making it much harder for unauthorized people to access your account. By using an authentication app, you help ensure that sensitive information in the personnel system remains confidential and protected from threats.

The login link in the email does not work. What do I do?


The link that is sent out has a duration of 21 days. If an employee has not logged in before this time, you as a manager must send a new login link in the System Access tab of the employee card.

How do I get my edited/transferred balance?


- Select Balance in the menu and find the appropriate employee in the list. Tap edit to the right of the name (pencil)
- To transfer the balance to the next year, select the correct year number in the drop-down menu in the edit view and then enter the correct balance.
- Balance for “Time to time off”: Select the “Plus time” tab and then press “Add time” or “Subtract time” as needed and then enter the hours and minutes you want to be corrected from the current balance.

What is the difference between an on-call temp and an hourly temp when registering an employment relationship?


- Summoning substitute is a person who is called to, for example, in the morning to take a guard. There are no scheduled vigils on time.
- Timevikar has permanent guards for a shorter or longer period of time. The employee thus has a fixed binding employment relationship, is entered in the register of employees and the pension scheme.

What is the difference between employee filing and employee deletion?


When an employee is archived, information that you as a manager have not deleted will still be available to the administrator. Upon deletion, everything will be gone. This cannot be undone.

The balance shows errors, what do I do?


- You can edit vacation and care/sick child in the menu option Balance for all employees.
- If there is an incorrect balance for self-registration and leave, you/the employee must enter or edit a registration for absence or plus time

Still questions? Send us an email to support@mentorpluss.no