Mentor HMS


Report deviation

When you as an employee are about to report a deviation, you do this by pressing Report Deviation on the front page. You may want to use a tablet or mobile for this, so you can also attach a photo if applicable.

After pressing Report Deviations, you get directly into the deviation form. Here you fill in information about the deviation, upload a picture and press Save when the deviation is ready for submission. When you press Save, an email is automatically sent to the person who is set as the default manager (this can be an editor or an administrator), notifying them that a new deviation has been submitted for processing..

The submitted deviation will settle under the tile "Deviations and improvement proposals" on the front page of Mentor HMS, and will be visible to all employees. All employees can thus follow the deviation treatment.

Dealing with deviations

As a deviation manager, you have to step in and deal with the deviation. To do this, go into the appropriate deviation under the tile "Deviations and improvement proposals" on the front page. Tap into the deviation and choose "Handle deviation".

You will now enter an edit mode where you must comment on the discrepancy, select the severity and quality-ensure that whoever submitted the discrepancy has selected the correct deviation type.

Setting status

When dealing with a deviation, you can set the status to “In progress”. This is optional, but a good way to show both the deviation notifier and other users that one has started working with the deviation.

Responsible is automatically suggested, but can be changed as needed.

Closing the deviation

If the deviation does not require new actions, one closes the deviation by pressing Close deviation. The deviation will then disappear from the deviation list and will be filed under Reports.

If there is a need to follow up the deviation with actions, you can add this under Add new action at the very bottom. You must choose who is responsible, priority, deadline and which HSE area the measure belongs to. The measure will settle under the tile Action plan on the front, sorted by HSE area. Press save. When you have subsequently implemented the actions in your company, enter the action plan in Mentor HMS and press Actions completed. The deviation will then be closed automatically.

Completed deviation reports

The completed deviation notices will no longer be in the tile "Deviations and improvement proposals", but can be found in Reports.

Add to cc

If there is a need to notify multiple people about a reported deviation, such as the general manager, data protection officer, or safety representative, while ensuring that one person remains responsible for follow-up, they can be added under "Add copy".

This works as follows:

  • When you assign a responsible person for the deviation, you have the option to send a copy to other relevant individuals.
  • If the deviation is marked as "visible only to administrators," you can only send copies to administrators. Otherwise, both editors and administrators can be selected as copy recipients.
  • When editing and managing deviations, an overview of who has received a copy is displayed, and you can send additional copies if needed.
  • Copy recipients only receive a notification when they are initially added. They will have access to view the deviation but will not receive further notifications if the deviation is updated or handled.
  • If statuses are used, this is a good way to show both the deviation reporter and other users that work on the deviation has begun.