Under improvement proposals, you can submit proposals for new or improved procedures, courses of action or procurement that can help improve the quality or working environment of the business.
To create an improvement proposal, navigate to the "Deviations and improvement proposals" tile on the front page. Here, one prints + Improvement suggestions.
Here, fill in details about what you want to improve and optionally upload an image or document that provides more detailed information. Click Save when the suggestion is ready to be submitted. Once you click Save, an email is automatically sent to the assigned responsible person (this could be an editor or an administrator), notifying them that animprovement proposal has been submitted that needs to be processed.
Next, the improvement suggestion must be processed. You do this by accessing the specific suggestion under the "Deviations and improvement Proposals" tile on the front page. Open the improvement proposals and select Handle Improvement Suggestion.
You will now enter an edit mode where you will have to comment on the improvement proposal.
If the improvement proposal does not require new actions, close it by pressing Close the improvement proposal. The improvement proposal will then disappear from the overview and be filed under Reports.
If follow-up actions are needed, add the necessary action under Add new action at the bottom. You can add multiple actions here. You must specify the responsible person, priority, deadline, and the relevant HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) area for the action. The action will appear under the Action plan tile on the homepage, sorted by HSE area. Click Save. Once the action has been implemented in the company, go to the action plan in Mentor HMS and click Actions Completed.