Mentor HMS


The calendar in the HSE system provides an overview of planned tasks and actions, such as activities, checklists and actions, to be carried out on specific dates.

The calendar has today's date automatically marked, and you will see the overview of the day's tasks and actions. You can navigate to other days by clicking on the desired date in the calendar.

The calendar is divided into two tabs:

  1. All: Displays all tasks and actions scheduled for the selected date. What is assigned to you, if any, will be located at the top under “My activities”. If a specific department is selected, the tasks will also be distributed by department. Here you can see a full list of activities, checklists and actions to be carried out.
  2. Expired: Displays tasks and actions that have not been performed on the date they were supposed to. Next to the text “Expired” you will see a number that represents the total number of expired tasks and actions.

Performing tasks and actions from the calendar

When you click the three dots to the right of a task or action in the calendar, you have the following options:

  • Complete: For activities and actions, you can click “Complete” to record that they have been completed. Those that have been executed will be visible in green color in the calendar.
  • Run Checklist: Checklists can be run directly from the calendar by selecting “Start Checklist”.
  • Not applicable: If a task or action is not to be performed, you can select “Not applicable”. They will then disappear from the calendar on the front page. An overview of tasks and actions that are set to “Not applicable” can be viewed in the usage history


You may want to take a regular review of expired tasks and actions to ensure that no critical activities are overlooked.

This tab provides an overview of the number of expired checklists and activities, while clicking on these is transferred to the respective menu selections in the system so that one can take a review there.

For actions that have not been performed, you can set them to “Completed” directly from this view.