Mentor HMS
Save and modify draft

Save and modify draft

To start editing a routine, click the gear icon in the top right corner of the routine you want to edit. Only administrators and editors have access to edit routines.

If you do not complete the editing of a routine or article, you can save it as a draft and continue editing later. Click Save Draft to store your changes.

If you need to edit, publish, or delete a draft, first click on the Draft tile, then click the gear icon in the top right corner and select the desired option.

When you click Publish in draft mode, you will be given options to reset read status and select the type of change you want to apply.

If you click Edit while viewing the Current Version and a Draft already exists, a notification will appear informing you that a draft is already in place and asking how you want to proceed.

If you choose to edit and publish in the Current Version, be aware that the existing draft is based on the previous version and will not include the latest updates.

It is not possible to have more than one draft at a time.