Risk assessments that you have made before MentROS are included in archived risk assessments. Link to these is located at the bottom of the front page inside MentROS.
Here, the risk assessments will remain until you choose to transfer them to MentROS or delete them. You can revise old assessments and create new ones here, but they will not appear in the overview available in MentROS. The old/archived assessments will remain in Reports as before.
To transfer, enter the risk assessment and press transfer this risk assessment.
You will now be guided through new ROS analysis. You start by selecting a risk area, which is an overall sorting/categorization for the ROS analyses.
You will be given guidance on where to enter the text from the old risk assessment into the new ROS analysis, and what has been automatically transferred will be marked in blue.
You follow five simple steps and when you save in step 5, the old risk assessment is deleted and you have transferred it to MentROS.