Mentor HMS
Update from Mentor HMS

Update from Mentor HMS

If there are changes in legislation and regulations, the templates contained in the template library must be updated to meet the current regulations. We will ensure that this is done, but you must take a stand on the update and choose how you want to introduce it to your own routines and articles.

You will be notified of update on the front page below Administration, on the brown tiles

When you press Show all updates, you get to an overview of all available updates, both those that have been handled and those that are still waiting to be handled. Here you will also be notified if we publish a “New feature” or any other type of information from Mentor HMS.

You can also find an overview of all updates under each manual. Here you can decide on one or more updates.

Decide on several updates at once:

When you want to accept multiple updates at once, you can tick which ones you want to accept. Press Replace. The new routines or items that you decide on will overwrite the ones you have in the system.

After you press Replace, you get up the choice of how you want to save, and whether you want to send out notification or not.

Consider one routine at a time:

When you want to decide on a single routine, you come up with several choices. Here you can Replace, Edit, Ignore, and Cancel. It may be helpful to read the new version comment before deciding on the change.

Replace: Here you replace your routine/article with the new template.

Edit: Here you can edit the routine and apply the changes you want. You select the field you want to use and then drag it over with your mouse cursor to your routine. After that, press Save, and then you will be taken to a field where you can change your comment about what changed with you, and add a notification when saving.

Ignore: Here you take a position on the update by keeping your old version, and ignoring the new update.

Cancel: Do you press cancel you will have to decide on the update some other time.