Mentor HMS
Create users

Create users

Under the tile Settings and then Users you can create user accesses to all employees. In order to use Mentor HSE, all employees must have their own user access with their own unique password.

When you get into the image that shows the user overview, tap + New user to add a new employee.

You will now have the option to create a user access. Enter name and email address and select the access level. Press Save when you're done.

3 access levels

  • The role Administrator have all rights. This role is intended for the person (s) with leadership responsibilities.
  • The role Editor have the same rights as administrator except access to the tiles Settings and Supervision, and the reports the emergency log, read and unread items. An editor can thus edit documents (not in the personnel manual), but not manage the system itself. This role is intended for department heads, educational leaders and conservation officers.
  • The role User has full read access in the system, but cannot edit in the system and add actions or tasks to the annual wheel. The role has not access to the tile Template Library and Settings.

After saving the user, an email is sent to the new user. When the new user opens the email, there will be instructions on how to create a password and log in to Mentor HMS. As an administrator, you will be able to see if the person has logged in by saying: Yes under verified login in the user overview.