As an administrator and editor, you can edit the routines AFTER you transfer them from the template library. Enter the appropriate routine, press the gear and select Edit.
You will then enter edit mode. Here you have the option to edit the title, purpose and content. You can add internal references. This can be a reference to other routines, checklists and articles in your HSE system. Once you have selected which internal reference you want, press The +sign. To add your own attachments, press Select files. Then you can upload a file that resides on your computer.
If you want to add new subject references and statutory references, press + subject reference/statutory reference. Now you can search for the current reference. To add, check the current reference and press OK.
You can also add other subject references or statutory references not found in our overview by pressing gear, selecting edit and “add”. Enter the name of the subject reference or statutory reference. In the field Links copy in the correct URL. Then press Save.
The next step is to select an HSE area. To access all HSE areas, you must have either transferred at least one routine from the template library for the relevant HSE area or manually registered it under the Settings tile.
If you are not finished editing the routine and want to save your changes without publishing, click Unpublished. You can set a revision date by clicking the calendar icon. The routine will then appear in the activity overview on the homepage on the selected date.
By checking Reset Read Status, employees will be required to confirm they have read the routine again.
When you are ready to Publish (save) the routine, you must choose a Change Type:
When selecting New Version Notification, a window will appear where you can choose the type of notification and who should receive it.
If you do not need to collect a new read confirmation, you can select New version- no notification. You also have the option to post a comment describing the changes that have been made. This comment will be visible when you press View Versions on the cogwheel. When you are done with the changes press Publish.