In tile supervision, you can document everything that is done in connection with an inspection. Only the administrator can add supervision and have access to the supervision tile.
In the tile Supervision you get an overview of the supervision the company has had and how far in the process they have come. To create supervision press + New supervision.
Fill in points. Under Supervisory type, select the supervisory authority that conducts the audit. You can select several HSE areas. You can set the date of deadlines for submitting information, supervision and deadline for rectification. The dates will be added to the activity calendar below My activities. Here you can also upload supervisory report and other documents of supervisory authorities.
If you submit legal references under select laws/regulations, in the next window you will get tips on which routines and articles you have linked to the various references.
Here you can also enter contact persons of supervisory authority. If you later wish to grant user access to a supervisory authority, all points must be filled in. Press Save
After creating a supervision, you can open the supervision and add comments to the notes, press +.
If you want to create user access to the contact, tap the character to the right of the name. The contact person will then gain access as a supervisory user and will get an email with information and login. The supervisory user will have access to the audit and the documentation added to the audit.
If you have added internal references, you will be able to see which documentation is linked to the references in the green field, press Show Suggestions. Press add on the routines/articles you want to include in the supervision.
You can also add others Internal References from Mentor HMS relevant to the supervision. Select from the drop-down menu and press +. You also have the option to add Internal documents/attachments directly from your PC.
Press Save.
If the business receives deviations or notices, you can add them directly to the supervision, press +. After adding deviations or notices, you can add measures, + Add new action. Press Save.
The deviations, notices and actions will also be included in the deviation and action overview, but are only visible to the administrator.
You can click on the deviations and actions in the deviation or action overview and then enter the supervision. The deviation is left open until the tasks are completed. Once all deviations/notices/actions have been completed and the supervision has been approved, you can press βend supervisionβ and the supervision is finalized and approved.
If you need to add more under supervision at a later point, pressβReopenβ.
The system automatically inserts a message into supervisory notes when supervision ends or reopens.