Mentor Kidplan
Diaper List

Diaper List

The diaper list provides an overview of the children who use diapers in the kindergarten and in the various departments. To activate the list, you need to check that the child uses diapers. This can be done either via the childā€™s card in the ā€œChildren and Parentsā€ tile or via ā€œDetailsā€ on the childā€™s card in the child log.

Once this is done, the child will appear on the diaper list when they are checked into the kindergarten. It is possible to filter by department.

As diaper changes are performed, the diaper list is sorted by the most recent diaper change. Those who have not had a new diaper will be listed first.

It is possible to choose that the time of the diaper change is only visible in the diaper list. This setting is made via the ā€œSettingsā€ area and ā€œSettings.ā€
