Absence and attendance allow the kindergarten to create periods where they want to know if the child will actually attend or not. Typical periods can be between Christmas and New Year, Easter week, and autumn break.
The first time you click on the absence and attendance tile, you will be informed that no period has been created yet. Click on “Add new period” to create a period.
You will then enter the planning of the period. Here, you can give the period a title and a description if you wish. The description will be visible to parents for the period in the app. Then, select the date and the departments this will apply to and set the desired response date.
The kindergarten can also set the time the child should be in the kindergarten if needed.
Responses on behalf of parents
The kindergarten can respond on behalf of the parents if needed. The kindergarten can also set the time the child should be in the kindergarten if necessary.
Send a reminder
If there are parents who have not responded, you can send them a reminder by clicking on the symbol for not registered and choosing whether you want to send them a push notification or an email, or both.
If multiple periods have been created, you can click on “Select period” to choose the period you want to view the overview for.
Absence setting
The kindergarten has the option to lock the parents’ registration of holidays and set a deadline for when parents must report holidays for a period. Holidays must be reported to the kindergarten at least 14 days before they are to be taken. The kindergarten can also set a time limit on how long parents can edit an absence.