Mentor Kidplan


Conversations are a feature that allows staff to schedule meetings with parents. These can be introductory meetings, development meetings, parent-teacher meetings, or other types of conversations.

To create one or more conversations, click on the conversations tile under the communication area.

Next, you need to click on “Add new” to add new conversations.

Add a title for the conversation, select the children the conversations will apply to, and choose the staff member responsible for the conversations. Conversation times will automatically be added for the number of children the staff member will have conversations with. If the responsible staff member leaves the times without assigned children, parents can choose among the available times in the app.

If the kindergarten wants parents to be able to choose between multiple conversation times, the staff member responsible for the conversations can add more conversation times, giving parents more options to choose from. Once the parents of a child have selected an available time, it will not be possible for other parents to choose the same time in the app.


After saving the conversations, a push notification goes out to the parents. The overview of available call times for parents will appear as follows in the parent app:


The employee can now see the status of their conversations and can edit the conversation setup if needed. Here, the employee also has an overview of their own and other staff members’ appointments.

Once the parents have selected a free call time, the color of the registration will turn blue.

If there is a need to change the conversation time, cancel the conversation, or upload a file to the conversation, click on the relevant child in the conversation overview. Files uploaded to a conversation will be placed in the child’s folder and in the “Attachments to conversation” tab.

It is possible to send reminder to choose the time for call to parents who have not chosen any time the responsible employee for the call also has the opportunity to set the time of the call for the child.
