Mentor Kidplan


This feature allows the kindergarten to register consents in the system. Parents can respond to consents on the parent page on the web and via the parent app. This ensures that both staff and parents have a complete overview of the consents for the child.

By clicking on the “Permit” tile, the kindergarten can register new consents. It is also possible to respond to consents on behalf of parents who are not users of Kidplan. These are parents who are listed in the system without an email address. The kindergarten can also unlock consents for parents if they wish. We have created some predefined consents that will be available to the kindergarten, but we recommend that the kindergarten creates their own consents. It is possible to add additional text to each consent.

The permit tab will look like this after the kindergarten has registered the consents. Here, it is only possible to create new consents and delete old ones. Editing existing consents is not possible.

In order for the kindergarten to keep track of the permissions and responses of parents, two different reports have been added. One for overview based on the consents and the other based on each individual child.

The report based on consent will contain information on the number of responses. By clicking on details, a list of all children will appear, sorted by the answer.

The report based on each individual child looks like this. Here, the kindergarten receives information about what parents have responded to the different permissions, as well as who has responded and when it has been answered.

Information about which parents have responded and when is stored as history. This is only available in the database and should not be visible to users.

Now you can decide who will respond to permissions for the child in the kindergarten. This is registered under the box called “Children and Parents” (see image). Here, you can either select one parent as responsible for responding or both. Parents who are not responsible for responding will not see this in the parent app. In the report, the strictest response will always apply. This means that if one guardian has selected “no” and another “yes,” “no” will be the applicable response. The same will apply to a lack of response from a guardian. Therefore, it may be wise to ask all guardians to respond to the permissions.

Note: If a parent has not previously responded to permissions, the kindergarten administrator must check that the guardian can respond to permissions in the app (see image).

In the parent app, parents click on “Permit” to give consent for his/her child (s).

When a parent responds to a permission, this is recorded, and appears on each consent. answered consents can only be changed within 24 hours of being answered. If parents want to change their consent, they must contact the kindergarten so that the kindergarten can unlock them.