Mentor Kidplan
Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication

To protect the personal information of staff, children, and parents, we use two-factor authentication in Mentor Kidplan.

This means that in addition to a username/password, a code is also required to approve the login attempt. This protects your Kidplan user and password, ensuring complete security. Your privacy is also better safeguarded. The code is only necessary the first time you log in on a new device.

When you log in to Kidplan, you must enter your username and password. Then click on log in.

The staff member can request to receive the code via email or SMS.

Using SMS incurs an additional cost, which you can choose to deactivate under settings.


Personal PIN Code

Inside my profile, you can create a four-digit PIN code that the employee uses to unlock Kidplan. This simplifies the login for the employees. Once you have created your PIN, you must enter your personal password to save the PIN.

Once you have created a PIN, you get the option to switch users or lock kidplan.

Change user Here you can switch between employees who have logged on to a device in the kindergarten. One logs in again using either a password or a pin code.

Lock Kidplan is used when leaving the device (PC, tablet, phone), so that other employees can quickly log in via the user list.

Whether the employee should log out, there are two choices. It's ā€œforget meā€ or ā€œlog outā€. If you choose to log out with ā€œforget meā€, you must log back in with two-factor authentication. If you choose to log out with ā€œlog outā€, you log in again with your username and password.