Absence and overtimecodes

Absence Codes
- Arbeidsavklaringspenger: Work assessment allowance provided by NAV for individuals with reduced work capacity.
- Avspasering: Time off in lieu (TOIL), used when employees take time off after accumulating extra hours. Employees must log extra hours under "Tid til avspasering" to earn TOIL.
- Egenmelding: Self-certified sick leave, valid for up to 12 months retrospectively, not following the calendar year. Non-working days between two self-certified sick leave periods are counted. The company defines the number of days allowed.
- Ekstraferie over 60 år: Extra vacation for employees turning 60 during the vacation year. They are entitled to five additional vacation days.
- Ferie: Vacation entitlement managed by the supervisor. Part-time employees receive the same number of vacation days as full-time employees if taken in full weeks. If taken as individual days, the balance is adjusted based on their employment percentage.
- Foreldrepermisjon: Parental leave granted for pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal care.
- Legemeldt sykefravær: Certified sick leave issued by a healthcare provider.
- Omsorgsdager / sykt barn: Care days for sick children. Employees with 1-2 children are entitled to 10 days per calendar year, while those with 3 or more children receive 15 days, provided they have worked for at least four weeks. Additional days may be granted based on NAV’s decision.
- Permisjon med lønn: Paid leave for specific reasons, such as education or breastfeeding breaks, where the employer continues salary payments.
- Permisjon uten lønn: Unpaid leave granted by the employer for various reasons, such as education or caregiving for a relative.
- Pleiepenger: Care benefits for employees caring for a child who needs continuous supervision and care due to illness, subject to NAV approval.
- Svangerskapspenger: Pregnancy benefits for employees unable to work due to risks to the unborn child. Job reassignment or adjustments must be considered first. Requires NAV approval.
- Syk uten lønn: Sick leave without pay for employees who have not yet earned the right to self-certified sick leave or sick pay.
- Timefravær uten lønn: Unpaid hourly absence for employees taking partial leave without pay or TOIL hours (e.g., part-day leave).
- Tjeneste: Service leave, used when an employee is at work but not physically present at the workplace (e.g., attending a course). Service leave does not count as absence in statistics but will appear as "absence" in the calendar.
- Velferdspermisjon: Welfare leave defined by labor agreements or the employer, allowing employees to receive paid leave for specific events (e.g., starting kindergarten, dental appointments, or funerals).
Overtime Codes
- Forskjøvet arbeidstid: Shifted work hours recorded when an employee's work schedule is adjusted. Time outside regular hours is logged.
- Kveldstillegg: Evening pay allowance for employees working designated hours that qualify for pay supplements based on tariff agreements or company policies.
- Overtid …% til utbetaling: Overtime payment where all recorded hours are paid, with no hours transferred to TOIL.
- Overtidstillegg …% lønn + Tid til avspasering: Overtime supplement where the additional pay percentage is paid out, and the equivalent number of hours is transferred to TOIL.
- Tid til avspasering: Extra hours logged beyond regular work hours without immediate pay, accumulating in the TOIL balance for future time off.
- Timeregistrering: Regular time registration, commonly used for part-time employees or temporary workers logging their working hours.
- Timeregistrering vikar: Time registration specifically for temporary workers, allowing separate tracking from permanent employees.