Mentor Personal
Sick Leave Statistics

Sick Leave Statistics

Sick leave statistics, both legally required and extended, present data based on the following criteria:

Possible day's work

  • Possible day's workd are based on the number of working days in a month. Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays are excluded.
  • An employee’s employment percentage in a work relationship is converted into possible workdays.
  • Employees registered with vacation and extra vacation for those over 60 years old are not included in the possible workdays for this period.
  • Employees with the absence types: work assessment allowance, parental leave, paid leave, unpaid leave, caregiver benefits, and pregnancy benefits are included in the statistics based on the percentage registered for these absence types.
  • Employees registered as on-call substitutes are not included.

Days of absence

  • Absence days are calculated based on the employee's job percentage and degree of sick leave. For example, an employee with 50% position and 50% medically notified absence will receive 0.25 absence days
  • Administrators who have not created an employment relationship on themselves are only shown in the statistics from the day they had a start date in Mentor Personal.
  • Unprocessed registrations on self-report, doctor-reported sick leave and care days/children's illness are included in the statistics


  • Employees who have not registered their gender will appear in the statistics as “Other”

Cases of self report

  • Continuous period an employee has a self-reported sick leave. If an employee is at work after a self-report and falls ill again, a new case is started.


  • An employee’s affiliation with a department is derived from their employment relationship. If an employee has two employment relationships, sick leave will be calculated for both and displayed in both departments.
  • Employees who are not associated with an employment relationship will appear under "No department."

Mandatory statistics

The mandatory statistics provide data on sick leave or child-related illness. For the selected year, absence can be displayed per year, quarter, or month as desired.

The filter allows viewing of total absence across all durations, self-certified, or doctor-certified, categorized as follows:

  • Short-term (1–3 days)
  • Medium-term (4–6 days)
  • Longer-term (over 16 days, less than 8 weeks)
  • Long-term (over 8 weeks)

Extended statistics

The extended statistics display sick leave data for the entire organization, by department, or per employee.