Sick leave statistics, both legally required and extended, present data based on the following criteria:
Possible day's work
Possible day's workd are based on the number of working days in a month. Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays are excluded.
An employee’s employment percentage in a work relationship is converted into possible workdays.
Employees registered with vacation and extra vacation for those over 60 years old are not included in the possible workdays for this period.
Employees with the absence types: work assessment allowance, parental leave, paid leave, unpaid leave, caregiver benefits, and pregnancy benefits are included in the statistics based on the percentage registered for these absence types.
Employees registered as on-call substitutes are not included.
Days of absence
Absence days are calculated based on the employee's job percentage and degree of sick leave. For example, an employee with 50% position and 50% medically notified absence will receive 0.25 absence days
Administrators who have not created an employment relationship on themselves are only shown in the statistics from the day they had a start date in Mentor Personal.
Unprocessed registrations on self-report, doctor-reported sick leave and care days/children's illness are included in the statistics
Employees who have not registered their gender will appear in the statistics as “Other”
Cases of self report
Continuous period an employee has a self-reported sick leave. If an employee is at work after a self-report and falls ill again, a new case is started.
An employee’s affiliation with a department is derived from their employment relationship. If an employee has two employment relationships, sick leave will be calculated for both and displayed in both departments.
Employees who are not associated with an employment relationship will appear under "No department."
Mandatory statistics
The mandatory statistics provide data on sick leave or child-related illness. For the selected year, absence can be displayed per year, quarter, or month as desired.
The filter allows viewing of total absence across all durations, self-certified, or doctor-certified, categorized as follows:
Short-term (1–3 days)
Medium-term (4–6 days)
Longer-term (over 16 days, less than 8 weeks)
Long-term (over 8 weeks)
Extended statistics
The extended statistics display sick leave data for the entire organization, by department, or per employee.