Mentor Personal
PBL Salary

PBL Salary

  1. Contact PBL Regnskap via your payroll employee in PBL to clarify start-up and to get customized features in the Payroll menu.
  1. Open Settings under Payroll, and enter your company ID and employee number (this can be obtained from PBL Accounting)
  1. Insert the from and to date of the period for which salary is to be transferred
  1. Tap report and testimonials for each employee
  1. If something is left untreated, you must approve/reject this before you can certify
  1. When all employee reports are notarized, press “Export to payroll”
  1. File with customized salary data of PBL Accounting will be downloaded.
  1. Send the file in the recommended way from PBL Regnskap.
  1. Export of payroll data can only happen 1 time. Do you have new records relating to the same period may be certified and exported.
  1. If there are changes/errors in what you have exported, please contact your payroll employee.