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Notify more people about reported deviatons


We have improved the deviation management in the HSE system! Now you can notify multiple people of a reported discrepancy, such as the general manager, data protection officer or protection officer, while one person is still responsible for the follow-up.

How does that work?

  • When choosing a person responsible for the deviation you are given the opportunity to send a copy to other relevant persons.
  • If the deviation is marked “only visible to administrator”, you can only send a copy to administrators. Otherwise, both editors and administrators can be chosen as copy recipients.
  • When editing and handling deviations, a record of who received a copy is displayed, and you can send copies to more people if needed.
  • Copy receivers will follow the deviation and be visible even when you pick up closed deviations.

This update provides better visibility and ensures that the right people are informed of anomalies that require follow-up.