Mentor Kidplan
SMS and email

SMS and email

Mentor Kidplan makes it easy to send messages to parents and employees using email and SMS. Click on “SMS and Email” in the admin panel to get started. To send email or SMS press “select sender for email” then choose from the menu on the right side who will receive email or SMS. There is a cost associated with sending SMS of 0.58-, per message per recipient



To send an email, click on “Email” in the menu. As the sender, you can choose

  • Kindergarten (for kindergarten administrators only)
  • One department (for ward users and nursery administrators only)
  • Yourself

Enter the header and message, mark recipients who should have the email and press “Send Email”. If someone in the recipient list is not registered with an email address, an alert triangle appears next to the name. Registration of e-mail addresses is done on the pages “Employees and Departments” and “Children and parents”.

To send an attachment, the file must first be uploaded in file archive. Once that's done, click on the link symbol on the toolbar to add it to the email.


If you want to send an SMS, click on “SMS” in the menu. Add the text, select which parents/guardians should receive the message, and click “Send SMS.” If anyone on the recipient list is not registered with a phone number, a warning triangle will appear next to their name. Registration of phone numbers is done on the “Staff and Departments” and “Children and Parents” pages.

If the kindergarten has a mobile number, it can be registered as the sender. Contact support@mentorpluss.no.

Sending SMS from the website costs 0.58,- per recipient.



In the menu item “History” is located a record of sent messages.
